
Getting in Shape Gone Wild: Progress of the Whole Body (NakedProgress) porn pics

5'3/F/21. SW: 167 Original GW: 135 Current weight: 125!!! :)) I finally made it guys!

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NSFW [F/34/5'7 - 352 -> 202 lbs] My body after I lost weight. I have flaws, and it may not be perfect, but I worked for it and I love it!

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21/F/5'3 167 to 140 lbs. Still have some work

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21/f/5'3 167-134 UPDATED. I'm in the final stretch! any advice on getting rid of lower tummy fat?

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NSFW, Nudity. Hey everyone, I originally posted on progresspics and I got a LOT of hate even though the title is very clear. So I'm hoping this community will continue to be as supportive as it has in the past. F, 21, 5'7, 172<142, 12 months consistent

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Before: 24F/5'4"/162 After: 25F/5'4"/120. The result from calorie restriction and a vegan diet!

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This is why more women don't post here.

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F/22/5'0 [57kg - 44kg = 13kg (28.6lb)] (4 months) Cut down on my portion sizes and became more active

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21/F ~180 to 140, still going

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First progress picture--13 down, 20 more to go! NSFW, obviously

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19F, 5'3.5'', ~160 to ~145 - measurements have changed, but I don't see much visual progress

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18/5'3"/157lbs. I started when I was ~195lbs in mid November. I want to get down to 140lbs.

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21(F) 115/5'3 - 30 day butt progress pics! Which exercises specifically will lift and fill out my butt more? What are some changes I should make?

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10 months of progress (imgur kept deleting this. Suckers)

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5'5 164lbs- 130lbs. down 34lbs! Decided to take action. Beachbody changed my life. Community support, Home workouts, healthy portioned meal plan and daily superfoods.

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25/F/5'6" SW:125 CW:129 Been lifting for six weeks and getting a little discouraged because I'm not seeing any visual progress. Advice?

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27[f] Almost 1 year of progress and down 50 pounds

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Update! Before: 24F/5'4/162 After: 26F/5'4/120. A year since my first post and I've kept the weight off thanks to CICO and veganism!

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23/F/5'7" - 60lbs lost (45lbs reflected in pictures), 20 to go!

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My progress from 257lbs - 183lbs, about 12 months apart. Still a long way to go and have had some setbacks, but I'm getting there!

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What 40lbs lost did to my stomach

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From 90kg last year to 76kg today! I'm hoping to stay reasonably lean and put on more muscle!

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F, 20, 5'7", (6 months, Lost 7 lbs) Gym and I had our six month anniversary this week and I'm happier than ever

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F/25/5'7" 155-->145

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30F 129lbs 5'7" been lifting to build a bigger booty how's my progress?

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33/F 257-169lbs over about 2 years.... nearly there.

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About 9 months and a lot of hours in the gym are between these two photos. No diets or any changes to my eating during this time. Oddly, I weight the same in both. Joined weight watchers about 3 weeks ago so have just recently changed my diet.. interested

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final maintenance pooost Month 10

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F 23/ 185>170 lbs / 5'9" Can you notice the progress yet? Warning: BUSH!

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Day 1 30 [F] Just got my first HIIT workout in after awhile and enjoying a healthy smoothie, can't wait to see progress :)

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F/20/5'1' [112lbs<115lbs=3lbs] 2 months diet,one month lifting. Happy with everything so far,except for the stubborn tummy

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21(F) 115/5'3 - 135 to 115 in one year; started at 158. Tips on beginning to lift?

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[Update] 24/F/5'4 153-141lbs

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20/F/5'5" - 175 to 155 lbs, 37% to 30% body fat. Binge eating disorder to a healthy relationship with food. Sedentary life to avid 5Ker. 8 month's progress!

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32/f/5'3" 132lbs. Down from 140 in 4 weeks.

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After months of intermittent fasting and cutting back on sugar, I’ve finally lost the stubborn 15 pounds I’ve been trying to get rid of for 6 years. 15 more until my goal weight!

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