NSFW, Nudity. Hey everyone, I originally posted on progresspics and I got a LOT of hate even though the title is very clear. So I'm hoping this community will continue to be as supportive as it has in the past. F, 21, 5'7, 172<142, 12 months consistent
5'5 164lbs- 130lbs. down 34lbs! Decided to take action. Beachbody changed my life. Community support, Home workouts, healthy portioned meal plan and daily superfoods.
About 9 months and a lot of hours in the gym are between these two photos. No diets or any changes to my eating during this time. Oddly, I weight the same in both. Joined weight watchers about 3 weeks ago so have just recently changed my diet.. interested
20/F/5'5" - 175 to 155 lbs, 37% to 30% body fat. Binge eating disorder to a healthy relationship with food. Sedentary life to avid 5Ker. 8 month's progress!
After months of intermittent fasting and cutting back on sugar, I’ve finally lost the stubborn 15 pounds I’ve been trying to get rid of for 6 years. 15 more until my goal weight!